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It was also during this visit, that she meekly
lamented the irritability of her temper, and
<add>expressed</add> her wish for more patience, that she might
glorify God. <gap></gap>When reminded that the
inhabitants of Heaven will no more say,
"I am sick" - she replied: "I wish to go there,
because there will be no more sin"
<gap></gap>On another occasion she said to a
<sic>freind</sic>  <corr>friend</corr>, "The Lord graciously supports and
comforts me. All is peace - perfect peace
within.     Our Saviour is with me of a truth."
<gap></gap>Knowing that the time of her departure
was drawing near, she called her attendants
to her, and again thanking them for all
their kindness, she took an affectionate
farewell of them, adding "we shall meet
again in Heaven." After this she requested
to have the 23rd. Psalm read to her, which
appeared to afford her much comfort
<gap></gap>Her longing desire to be with the Lord,
was granted on the <date>14th.</date> when she fell
happily asleep in Jesus - in the 78th year
of her age.