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brought themselves into Darkness and were suffering harm,
Those abt her said: It would be of no Effect, she would do no
good to them, she should let it alone, because she was so weak
and would only make herself uneasy, She answ: Pray,
let me do it, one does not know, what the last words of a dying
person may effect upon them. Her Sr Alice Metcalf was
these several months mostly abt her in the day time, and can
not express, what a Blessing she has been to her in the troubles
of mind in which She was of late.
One has those many years expected that she would not hold
long, but her peculiar Chearfullness, patience & Sinnerlikeness
made them all think, that our Savr would take her home
unto himself, and that she would not recover this time)
??? Last goodfryday after the publick Meeting, she
had her Share in the holy Sacramt brought unto her by Br
Pyrlaus; she received it with great Bowedness & Eagerness &
the Transaction was attended with an awfull and sensible
feeling of the nearness of our tormented husband, and 
this proved to be the last time. (When Br & Sr Pyrlaus was
to visit her June 2d and spoke the Communicants, the latter
spoke also with our dr Sr: & asked her, whether she thought
she would continued till she had got the Corpse & blood of her
dr Spouse in the Sacramt She answd no, I shall no more be
here, but no matter, I shall keep it with him above, & so
it proved, for she went home ?? ??? the same night & day
before midnight.)
Some months ago, when she thought that this her present Illness
would be her last, she expressed constantly her Concern about 
her husband. O said she, nothing troubles my mind, but when
I relfect upon my husband I am anxious. I know him
best, I am in pain for him. She often with Tears begd
him to cleave close to our dr Savr with his whole heart and
to take the Brns advise and never to leave them. Br Pyr
ld (She was advised to resign him up to our Savr, and to
not to make herself uneasy. Our Savr & the Congrn would
certainly ?? for do all what they could to help & ad
vise him, in case he shd be left alone). Towards