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often edified those people she lived
with,^ and it was by these means she felt
the first imprission of our Saviour's
love towards her. -- Living near the 
Srs? House she was often visited by
them, and had the  favour to go in 
and out amongst them, whereby she
got a desire to belong kto the Br?
long?. Her Father being agreable
to it, both she and her Sr? obtained
leases? to live in the Srs?:^ at Little Monro?
and moved thither March 14th 1792,
where who enjoyed many blessings,
especially in attending the meetings at
Fulnek. When that ?economy broke
up, in 1794, she with some more 
moved to Wyke. She would rather
have gone to Fulneck; but in ^ a short
time grows became reconciled about to it, and 
indeed she never found reason to re--
pent. that small family lived at