
From Moravian Lives
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"as thy anointed in the path thou hast for me 
"appointed. --Save us <persname>O</persname><persname><persname> </persname></persname><persname>God</persname> of our <orgname>Salvation</orgname>, and
"gather us together, that we may give thanks unto
"thy holy name , and glory in thy praise!"--
From the last clause of this prayer, and the
peculiar expression, "gather us together," it wont
appear that her <trait>affectionate</trait> mind was thus
embracing in its desires before <persname>God</persname>, all the mem
bers of her family. May her <trait>fervent</trait> petitions be
most graciously answered. -- The last meditation
she has left is dated <date>June 16th 1829</date>, and it
clearly shows how the <persname>Lord</persname> was preparing 
her mind for that important change in life,
which took place with her before the end of the 
year. She writes, -- "To thee <persname>O heavenly 
"Father</persname>, I <trait>desire to submit all my desires</trait>, and
"to thee would I commit all my concerns, cast all
"my cares upon thee, conscious that thou carest
"for me. And who so fit to choose my lot, or
"regulate my ways, as a being, who loved me 
"so as not to spare his own <persname>Son</persname>, who knows
"what is best for me, and is able to make all things 
"work together for my good? I have often been 
"brought low, but thou hast helped me, and 
"when I have been looking for nothing but
"darkness, at evening time it has been light.
"But oh! after all thy <trait>patience, goodness</trait>, and 
"care, how often do I betray my <trait>depravity</trait> by
"seeming to mistrust Thee. Yet I could cry