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<date>December</date>, and arrived at their post the <date>last day
of the year</date> . From the moment of her arri-
val at <placename>Ayr</placename>, she entered upon her work 
with <trait>zeal and earnestness</trait>, and yet <add><corr>under</corr></add> a deep 
sense of her<trait> unworthiness</trait> to be employed 
as a handmaid of the <persname>Lord</persname>. By her chris-
tian <trait>cheerfullness</trait> and <trait>lively confidence</trait> in
<persname>God</persname>, and implicit trust in his kind lead- 
ings, she was a help to her husband in
his official duties, especially when those 
duties led ober thorny paths: her love of
spiritual converse and family devotion too,
and her interest in the welfare of the <orgname>Congre-
gation,</orgname> were calculated to increase that love
to the Saviour and his people which not only 
sweetens the cup of life, but is essential to 
the usefulness of the Lords servants. She
loved to see and welcome those Bretheren and Sisters
and friends, who called from time to time, to 
be refreshed and animated in their christian 
course. All were received with affability. 
And to some. especially of the aged sisters