
From Moravian Lives
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"? ? ? for a  better age. What of things
"do not ? ? and ? ? ?
"on that ? ???
"God in 
is not
"might grow 
"Oh! that I could walk as though
"which ? here, are best for a 
"the joys and happiness of heaven are for a
"enabling eternity 
"such things to affect are
"indeed sinful. but 
"mighty apparent; the spirit way indeed
"willing to do what is right, but the flesh
"is weak. Best Oh! dearest Saviour ?
"be wholly ? 
"heart, and whatever would ? any of thy
"blessed ? with one, 
"excuse me pain." -- How ? is it 
"our dear departed
"enjoyment of health and youth, thus
"long one great 
"run, who 
"member in the prime of life and in the ?
"est of their ? days