
From Moravian Lives
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"cry out with fears, "Lord I believe, help thou?
"unbelief" -- "When my foot slippeth, let thy
mercy O lord, hold me up. If my course con-
"ducts me through rough and trying scenes, say
" to me thy show shall be iron and brass, and as
"thy day is so shall thy strength be. Keep
one in all places and circumstances. However
"ignorant of the future; enable me to trust in 
"Thee and not be afraid. I should? begin, even in 
this ? of tears. the song I hope forever to sing. 
"Marvelous are thy works, just and true are all
thy ways, O thou King of Saints! Enable me
"to confide in thy promises, and rely on thy
"constant protection and care. Let thy law be
"dear unto me. May I be devoted to thy service 
"and find it perfect freedom. Thou dost not ?
"stand in need of any, but since thou art pleas-
"ed in infinite wisdom and condescension, to ?