
From Moravian Lives
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(First line?)
(word?) with great (word?), & (word?) in (word?) (word?), she
(word?) the verse: "Now I have found the (word?)
(word?)--- Sure my souls anchor may (word?)
Even Christ, whoto atone for sin,---Was as a
(word?) viotin? slain, Whose mercy shall un-
spoken stay--- When Heaven & earth are fled away."
She? now signified, thatakeshe wished to take leave of
the friends vaying,, "Goodbye--- Farewell to you all,"---
moving her hands, & reheating the words, when
(words?) seemed to linger. Being then left alone, with
her husband & sister Borland, she held their 
hand? most affectinaltely, & comforted their hearts 
(word?) sister Borland," you will be you to him: I
(word?)you will"------Brother Kelin smith havinge enter