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and after thy were ??, I was desir'd Serve in the 
Childrns? much? which at first for several reasons was
not agreable to me, but it prov'd at last for my heart
and wake me ?? able to our Savr so that I can truly 
say 5 I pairs I liv'd whose from I went blessing for
my heart, consally? the Chilrns Congn House, which remaind?
my Childrens Years to me. For she I return'd into
the Choirs house, where I was employed in the Wosh for
12 Years. As for choir latter Years, I was as a loss
atest to joy, and ? easiness what our Savr for learn?
to me, but so for I am joy. He saw taught me to know
what his in human nature, and other human weak?
reserve? are, together with what she can be to a poor distress?
-ed? but, for I often thought I was like god, and had to
wife the bitterest tears, on account of my shinking to
much of certain circumstances that reserved? to me, that
She never falid? to comfort me in a most striking moment
by possess of Scripture, such so. Are not true Sinners?
fold for a fitting, and not one of them shall fall to the
ground without my heavenly Fathers knowledge, fair
ys not therefore, for the way this of your Head are
all remeber'd. Amidst all reasonings I cou'd also likewise
what that worse capresses?, How well O Lord art thou thy 
Pipts leading- The oft thy ? seem wonderfull and
Strange. There can be working among in thy proceeding
Because thy faithfulness can never Range- Thy ways
one often worked and yet Straight In which thy

Children are ordain'd to walk-- Tho' all to ruin
seems to grant work- She ? its from that whose ?
wife and grant. And now I hope our Savr will grant
? patience to wait his time, untill He shall please to
call me home to Himself, when I shall be able to parish
him better for all that He has me for one
so for our late Sisrs on account.
What she writes morning chose hers Yours is in
references & her receving a Colt in the years 1784 to
serve in Sinner in Barbados, which she thinks
erupted but no for ? of ?) it now 
often made found good to past? she matter for
sometime it provd a great time to her, and she took
it rush to heart, which so far impair her health
? it was still kept in sin for her) it now
loss ablig'd to be entirely ? But as she
herself how briefly ? how she fell in those ?
sness, will only further mention that in her life
likeness, which from what time now gradually, amongst
ing, and at last terminated in a Consumption, ?
Savr was particularly gracious to her, and eventful
her to resign everything chearfully into his spirit 
full hands, whenever she spoke of her own hearts
feeling it was always in the most gratefull tone, that 
She loved her help'd thro' so well, for first she, when I 
look my whole course ever, I see abundance of greatness