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the first line of the Holy Communion, Sake?
often used to relate that this period
from her reciption? till she had the
favour to enjoy the holy communion was the 
most remarkable in her life, it was
the time when she learned to know
herself, and as a poor undone sinner
found grace in our ^saviour sight. 
In the before mentionedsitiation she
served 29 years with great faithful,
ness on which account she was respected,
she had many difficulties to struggle
with, and had it very hard in the be
ginning, but she lookedto our Saviour
for help, and often expressed her gratitude
for what he had donefor her. --
Being rather of a ?? selfrighteous turn
and not the best temper, it was at times
troublesomefor those who as here? con
nerted with her, but knowing her
intentions were good, every allowence
were made. In 1802 she came to live
in the Sisters House here , being troubled
with the Rheamatism?; and feeling her
self not able to continue in her
past, this was however a great trial

to her, being ased to an aitife life, she
could not compass mind to have 
nothing to do besides she felt sich an atah
ment to her School and the Children, that
she hartly ever got over it, we had
often to shear and comfort her on that 
account. The few years she spent in
in our house she was way weak and 
infirm, in spring 1809 it appeared 
as if she was going in a decline,
but she recovered a little again, and it
terminatedin a dropsy, from since the
beginning of this year she labored
under much pain and sufferings, some
times the time would appear long to
her before our Saviour would realise
her, but upon the whole she bore
her pains with patience and regin
resignation to our Saviours will,
and prayed often to him to claanee her in
his precious blood form every stain,
that she may as a pardoned sinner
appear him. This favour was granted
to her June 21, when she happily
fell asleep in Jesus. Aged nearly 67 years.