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expression of her sentiment was especially elicited
by the sudden departure and burial of <persname>sister Morton</persname>
when walking with her husband in the peace-
ful spot, where her own dear remains were in-
terred but 3 weeks after, in hope of a <trait>joyful
resurrection.</trait> The <trait>kindness and cordiality</trait> mani-
fested towards her and her husband, both by our 
own <persname>Brethren and Sisters</persname> and by many excellent friends,
was <trait>gratefully</trait> felt by her. On this subject and 
on the general state of her mind, she thus 
wrote to her <persname>sister</persname> in <placename>Gracehill</placename>, in the <date>latter
part of June</date>: "I might charge myself with 
'<trait>ingratitude</trait>, were I not to acknowledge that I
"have many <trait>kind and attentive</trait> friends, and though
"all have it not in their power to administer to
"our outward comfort, yet by their <trait>kind advice</trait>,
"<trait>affectionate interest</trait>, and willingness to assist me, 
"they add much to my <trait>happiness</trait>, and call forth
"<trait>feelings of gratitude and praise</trait> to Him, who
"careth for his children, and will not <trait>suffer </trait>the
"confidence of those who put their trust in
"Him to be put to shame. I Indeed <trait>desire to com-
"mit</trait> all my concerns to my <persname>Heavenly Father</persname>,
conscious that He careth for me. May I know 
how to be abased and how to abound; and in every 