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and by her MS. it appears the word of the Lord
to <persname>Jacob</persname> was applied to her own case: "Behold I
"will be with thee, and will keep thee in all places
"whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into
"this land; for I will not leave thee, until I
"have done that which I have spoken to thee
"of." ----
Her feelings at leaving <placename>Tytherton</placename>, where she
had enjoyed so much grace, she thus expresses in
the letter above quoted: "I have now lived in Tyther
"-ton 6 years. In this place I have attained my
"church priviledges, and received much kindness
"from several of its inhabitants, therefore you
"will not wonder, that my feelings are some-
"what various. I shall always retain sentiment 
"of gratitude and respect for many individuals."
She arrived in <placename>Gracehill</placename> about the middle 
of June; and spent 3 years and a half, faithfully
and usefully employed in the sphere that
was allotted her there. It was a season of
sweet and gratefully remembered intercourse
with her <persname>brother</persname> and <persname>sister</persname>, with whom she 
spent, not unprofitably, great part of her 
spare time, feeling their house to be her
home, and giving and receiving that mutual
encouragement, which we all feel nesessa-
ry in our various avocations. A few of
the recorded feelings of her heart, will again