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show the promise of grace in her soul, and she
state of her mind during this period.
<date>Sep. 14th, 1826.  </date>She writes --- "When thou
"poss? through the waters, I will be with thee,?
"through the floods, they shall not overflow thee,
"When thou walked through the fire though ?
"not be burned, neither shall the flames kindle
"upon thee." "This does oftimes renew my ?
"age, when it otherwise would sink. ? to
"build upon this gracious promise, as a rock?
"which ne'er can shrink, is what any? poor
"heart doth pant for. Thus to trust unto my
"faithful saviour for whate'er I yet don't ?kiss?
"in my pilgrimage below. What can a sinful
"worm,? ? God, render unto thee for shy ?
"? benefits!" --- <date>Feb. 6th, 1828.</date> --- My soul?
"doth magnify the Lord and my spirit hath
"rejoiced in god? my Saviour." 
Give me and? my her?
"only? <persname>Father</persname> a more thankful heart, let me
"with more gratitude receive blessings from thy?
"unearning? hand, and when thou see it fit to send
"affliction, or ? me in trying dispersation?
"give me grace to bow with humble ?-
"tion, and moreover rejoice, that thou ?? for
"notice me, as to treat me as a child. ?Daring
"the last year I have indeed been tried in vari-
"ous ways, so that in a measure I may say?
"my ? had well nigh slipped; but thou art?
"the searcher of hearts, and nothing is hidden from