
From Moravian Lives
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<gap></gap>Though of a strong constitution, she was
subject to great bodily suffering especially
during the latter years of her life. <gap></gap>Being
for a long time unable to lie in bed, she
had a large chair constructed according
to her directions in which she could recline.
Many were the wearisome nights she
spent in this posture.
<gap></gap>Her patience and resignation during
the periods of suffering were edifying.
It was also evident that the Lord made
use of these afflictions to teach her to
know herself more fully, and to deepen
the work of grace in her heart. <gap></gap>Her
visiting friends were often struck
with the perceptible influences of the
work of the spirit, and the fruits of
righteousness manifested in her
deportment. Meekness and unfeigned
humility were n more and more
conspicuous, while her desire to be at
home with the Lord increased, that as she
expressed it she might be perfected in holiness.