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the first imprission of our Saviour&#39;s<br />
the first imprission of our Saviour&#39;s<br />
love towards her. -- Living near the&nbsp;<br />
love towards her. -- Living near the&nbsp;<br />
Srs? House she was often visited by<br />
sisters House she was often visited by<br />
them, and had the &nbsp;favour to go in&nbsp;<br />
them, and had the &nbsp;favour to go in&nbsp;<br />
and out amongst them, whereby she<br />
and out amongst them, whereby she<br />
got a desire to belong kto the Br?<br />
got a desire to belong to the Br?<br />
long?. Her Father being agreable<br />
congregation. Her Father being agreable<br />
to it, both she and her Sr? obtained<br />
to it, both she and her sister obtained<br />
leases? to live in the Srs?:^ at Little Monro?<br />
leave? to live in the sisters:^? at Little Monro?<br />
and moved thither March 14th 1792,<br />
and moved thither March 14th 1792,<br />
where who enjoyed many blessings,<br />
where who enjoyed many blessings,<br />

Revision as of 18:33, 1 October 2018

often edified those people she lived
with,^ and it was by these means she felt
the first imprission of our Saviour's
love towards her. -- Living near the 
sisters House she was often visited by
them, and had the  favour to go in 
and out amongst them, whereby she
got a desire to belong to the Br?
congregation. Her Father being agreable
to it, both she and her sister obtained
leave? to live in the sisters:^? at Little Monro?
and moved thither March 14th 1792,
where who enjoyed many blessings,
especially in attending the meetings at
Fulnek. When that ?economy broke
up, in 1794, she with some more 
moved to Wyke. She would rather
have gone to Fulneck; but in ^ a short
time grows became reconciled about to it, and 
indeed she never found reason to re--
pent. that small family lived at  
that tiems very happily together, and in a bles-
sed course; particularly amongst the 
great girls, each was jealous?, to get be
fore the other in proepserity, from this period

she dated her the foundation of ^her happiness
which was laid deep and sure in the all atoning 
sacrifice of a crucified? Saviour and
Redeemer. Nov. 30th the same year she
was ? into the long ?? , and Jan. 10th 1796
had the favour to partakefor the first
time of the A. Pom?, and the year
following 4th of May she was? into 
the ?? choir. Soon after this it
happened to be a very trying time, 
as the Srs? could get no work for several
months, on which ?? many returned
to their homes; but she not being willing ^to return home,
chose to stay, if she ?? hard it? her living should be ever
so poor. But our merciful heavenly
Father who knows the wants of all
his Children; raised up some particular
friends, who assisted them with every
thing most nesses'ary?; so that those, whose
faith was only as a Grain of Mustard? seed,
and stayed ^eventless? was quite put to shame
She often spokeof that period with 
gratitude, and it inabled her to place
her whole dependance on our Saviour