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&quot;with more gratitude receive blessings from thy<br />
&quot;with more gratitude receive blessings from thy<br />
&quot;unsrring? hand, <abbr>and</abbr> when thou see it fit to send<br />
&quot;unsrring? hand, <abbr>and</abbr> when thou see it fit to send<br />
&quot;affliction, or visit me in trying dispensation?<br />
&quot;affliction, or visit me in trying dispersation?<br />
&quot;give me grace to bow with humble resigna-<br />
&quot;give me grace to bow with humble resigna-<br />
&quot;tion, <abbr>and</abbr> moreover rejoice, that thou dost? so far<br />
&quot;tion, <abbr>and</abbr> moreover rejoice, that thou dost? so far<br />

Revision as of 15:52, 7 September 2018

show the progress of grace in her soul, and the
state of her mind during this period.
<date>Sep. 14th, 1826.  </date>She writes --- "When thou
"passest through the waters, I will be with thee,
"through the floods, they shall not overflow thee,
"When thou walked through the fire though shall
"not be burned, neither shall the flames kindle
"upon thee." "This does oftimes renew my ?
"age, when it otherwise would sink. And to
"build upon this gracious promise, as a rock?
"which ne'er can shrink, is what my poor
"heart doth pant for. Thus to trust unto my
"faithful Saviour for whate'er I yet don't know
"in my pilgrimage below. What can a sinful
"worm,? O God, render unto thee for thy unnum-
"bered benefits!" --- <date>Feb. 6th, 1828.</date> --- My soul
"doth magnify the Lord and my spirit hath
"rejoiced in god my Saviour." 
Give me O? my hea-
"venly <persname>Father</persname> a more thankful heart; let me
"with more gratitude receive blessings from thy
"unsrring? hand, and when thou see it fit to send
"affliction, or visit me in trying dispersation?
"give me grace to bow with humble resigna-
"tion, and moreover rejoice, that thou dost? so far
"notice me, as to treat me as a child. ?During
"the last year I have indeed been tried in vari-
"ous ways, so that in a measure I may say
"my fact? had well nigh slipped; but thou art?
"the searcher of hearts, and nothing is hidden