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in John Morgan

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one who had to do with him but he laboured under an impedi-
ment in his Eyesight which often pain'd him and made him dis
pair sometimes of ever learning to work as he should do
In Novr 1759 he was one of those youth when our dear Johannes
regulated? during his Visit here, since which time he has been more
dear? and unnerved? than ever before. In general his course outwardly
has been very orderly ever since he came into the choirhouse,
always showing Obedience to his Brn and esteeming that as highly 
necessary both in himself and others. Those 3 or 4 Months past
he has been much more concern'd for a lively Heart, and spoke
of it with more feeling than formerly, was also more clear and open
& had a more real connexion with our Savr. In the begining of his 
sickness which was towards the latter end of April, he did not think
much of going home, nor did he desire it much because his heart
was not in so tender to situation towards our Savr as it could &
should be. Several serious bands were kept with him, whereby
he discovered a sensibility not to observed in him before. The
5th Instant he altered, told a Labourer he knew he was much
concern'd on his Account, and not without Reason, for said he
my heart has not been so lively as it should, but be not distress'd
or troubled about me, perhaps you may think it would not be agre-
able to me to go home, but I can ease you on that Account, and
assure you my concern comes not from that Corner, whenever he calls
me he will take one to himself, I am his & shall certainly go to
him, this is a clear and made out matter to me, but my concern 
is that my heart is not more lively and warm & that I have not
enjoy'd his precious nearness as I could and should have done.
This Conversation was sattisfactory. He also spoke with our Savr
from that time in a more Sinnerlike but confident manner
as long as he was able to speak, & also told his Labourers and other
Brn he now knew he should go home this time express'd also
a desire after it. At last it was very difficult for him to speak
but when visited did all ^in his power to render himself intelligible

and particularly to express himself about going home. The 7th
in the morning he expressed again his desire to go home so as to 
be understood, & about 11 at night his sickness took such a turn
that it was thought he would go directly.
From this time he took very little notice of any person or thing
about him but lay quite still seemingly without pain till the 9th
(that ever memorable day) in the evening while the Congn was
enjoying the holy Communion, about 1/2 an hour before his de-
parture he came quite to himself, was very sensible of his pain,
but not able to speak, & 3/4 past 9 while the Congn prostrated
he was deliverd into the hands of his Redeemer in a peculiar
tender manner, to whom he breathed out his spirit with the bles-
sing of his Choir, & during the singing of several Verses in
his 18th Year--
