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in Rachel Brook

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seer with the girls, and afterwards
with Sisters. In 1790 she was accepted 
atcoluth, and for 18 years she held
the Office of Houseservant, she 
showed much faithfulness in what
was committed to her, and looked
opon it as a favour, which
made her Office a pleasant duty.
To her. The last few years, she
was not able to do as formerly
but injoying the love of the Srs
they were willing to lend her a
helping hand whenever required,
particularly those Srs in her room
showed her much love & attention.
Tho' nothing very striking seemed to
distinguish her course, we are sure
that she lived in communion with
our Saviour, and with childlike
confidence and humble faith looked
to him for help and support in
every time of need. 

Oct 4th 1810 she called to mind that
it was 50 years since she moved
into this house, she expressed
herself that she could not suffi-
ciently thank our Saviour, for all
his love and care, his longsuffering
and forbearance, and for all his 
mercy towards her, and looked back
with gratitude and amazement how
he had proved her true friends in
all her spiritual and temporal
concerns, that she had laked
nothing; and she renewed her 
convenant to cleave to him, to 
trust his Shepherd care, till
hope and faith shall cease, and
Love prevail alone.
Hitherto she had injoyed an unin-
terrupted good stale of health, but
now she began to feel the infir-
mities of age, and for these last 3
years, she was not able to attend
