
Transcribe page 01

in Sally Holt

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Sally Hoult
was born at Bramell in the
Parish of Stockport in Cheshire on
the 25 Day of Feb: 1727 where she Liv'd till
about 1743, when she being stirr'd up in 
her Heart by the Holy ghost to seek after
the Salvation of her soul and sometime af-
ter hearing the Testimony of the Brn; & being
convinced of the truth & simplicity of the
gospel Taught by them, Drew accquaintance
with them and in the year 1748 gain'd the
favour to Live in the Single Sisters House in
Duckenfield where she behav'd very well
& was Loved by all. 
Having afterwards along with some more
sisters paid a visit To the Congregation in
Yorkshire she express'd her Mind & hearty
Desire to be a member of that Body.
Hearing of the Single Sisters House Here being
built she would say O! that our Saviour may
once grant me the favour to live in that house
In the month of September 1750 she with
the rest of the Oconomy Removing from Duck-
enfield to Live in Yorkshire Took her abode in 
Tyre-sell-Hall where she Lived to the Satis-
faction both of herself & her sisters, Only
as she was not Receiv'd in the Congregation
would sometimes give her Pain
In the Latter End of the Year 1751 she
begun to be a little Disorder'd by the
Rhoumatism which settled in her Arm & 
in the Spring following it remaining & 
